NON-GMO Full Fat Soy Flour
All ingredients processed directly from whole, dehulled non-GMO soybeans using only natural processing methods. In addition to being highly functional, ingredients made with whole soybeans contain all the natural oils (fats) that are found in the soybean. And because no chemicals are used in our processing, each product retains all of the natural nutrients and phytochemicals of the whole soybean.
Roasted Full Fat Soy (Non-GMO)
Roasted full fat soy ingredients are produced from cleaned whole soybeans. The process utilizes dry milling technology which involves roasting, dehulling, and milling into various particle sizes. Roasting the soybeans before milling inactivates the enzymes, stabilizes the fats, and results in a pleasant, nutty flavor profile, making it easier to formulate without flavor issues. The roasting is a validated kill step.
Enzyme Active Full Fat Soy (Non-GMO)
Soybeans naturally contain the enzyme lipoxygenase. Raw (enzyme active) soy flour, having received only minimal heat treatment, contains high levels of active enzymes, making it an excellent functional base for baked goods, soyfoods, and beverages, and for further processing into other soy ingredients.
Defatted Soy Flour Non-GMO
20 PDI是經過完整高溫處理的脫脂黃豆粉,內含不具活性的酵素,更好消化並適合作為犢牛代乳粉與飼料原料的使用。此款黃豆粉亦可添加作為寵物食品中口味與香料,或增加烘烤食品的脆度、發酵以及蛋白質飲品的使用。
Defatted Soy Flour 20 PDI Non-GMO is a fully heat treated defatted soy flour with inactive enzymes, enabling easier digestion and making it suitable for calf milk replacers and feed ingredients. This soy flour can also be used in carriers for flavors/spices on pet foods,bakery for crispness, fermentation, and in protein beverages.
70 PDI 是經適當熱處理的脫脂黃豆粉,通常用於不同的烘焙用途,像是餅乾、蛋糕、薄脆餅乾以及烘焙食品與甜甜圈混合物。此款黃豆粉亦可於麵食、嬰兒食品、肉製品、早餐麥片、寵物食品、風味載體、發酵、黏著劑中使用,更可進一步加工成結構性大豆蛋白(素肉)。
Defatted Soy Flour 70 PDI Non-GMO is a moderately heat treated defatted soy flour commonly used in various baking applications such as cookies, cakes, crackers and baking and doughnut mixes. This soy flour can also be used in pasta, baby foods, meat products, breakfast cereals, pet foods, flavor carriers, fermentation, adhesives, and can be further processed into textured soy protein.
90 PDI是經最低限度之熱處理的脫脂黃豆粉,有最高的酵素活性,讓此產品成為麵包製作過程中,酵素漂白活性使用的理想選擇。 此款黃豆粉可於纖維、黏著劑、發酵、白麵包漂白中使用,並可進一步加工成分離大豆蛋白。
Defatted Soy Flour 90 PDI Non-GMO is a minimally heat treated defatted soy flour with maximum enzyme activity making it an excellent product to use for enzyme bleaching activity in bread systems. This soy flour can be used in fibers, adhesives, fermentation, white bread bleaching, and can be further processed into a soy protein isolate.
非基因改造脫脂黃豆粉 20/70/90 PDI非供即食,也不適合於即食用途中使用。
Defatted Soy Flour 20/70/90 PDI Non-GMO is not Ready-to-Eat or suitable for use in Ready-to-Eat applications.
非基因改造種源證明(IP) 計畫是以非基因改造來源為根據,從栽種、收成、儲存、運送以及所有加工階段步驟的詳盡記錄。ZFS Creston 非基因改造產品最多僅含0.9%的殘留基改物質。
The Identity Preservation (IP) program is based on non-GMO sources of origin, with full documentation through all steps of planting, harvesting, storage, transportation and all stages of processing. ZFS Creston non-GMO products contain a maximum of 0.9% adventitious residual GMO material.