Nisshin Shokai Co., Ltd. Japan established in 1949. Taiwan Nisshin Shokai Co., Ltd. established in November 2014 as Nisshin Shokai’s oversea sales office in Taiwan. Main market focus on Taiwan, Korea, and Southeast Asia countries. Supply Non GMO soybean related products.
Asia Market
There are many customers in Asia area using Nisshin’s products, including Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
優 勢
Close working relationship with growers and producers from all over the world to supply best quality products. Strong knowledge in soybean agriculture, processing and marketing. Most complete IP documentation system for Non GMO soybean varieties.
Diligent sample testing with trustworthy international lab agency for quality assurance. Extensive logistics network to ensure stable supply and on time delivery.

品質管理嚴格把關Quality Control Assurance
- 供應商嚴謹的品質管理Strict QC standard at supplier
- 提供售後技術支援服務After sales technical support
- 透過國際實驗機構執行高頻率的品質測試Frequent quality testing thru international lab agency
策略性物流解決方案Strategic Logistic Solution
- 準時交貨On time delivery
- 與許多海運公司維持良好關係Good relationship with many shipping lines
- 在亞洲各區擁有物流中心Warehouse hubs throughout Asia
具競爭力的價格Competitive Pricing
- 價格穩定Stable price control
- 長期合約Long term contract base
- 透過國際實驗機構執行高頻率的品質測試Frequent quality testing thru international lab agency
最新的市場資訊Up to Date Market News
- 提供影響供需的第一手市場資訊First hand market info affecting supply and demand
- 提供更好的簽約時機Advise better contracting timing
穩固的合作關係Solid Relationship
- 即時處理客戶的需求Timely managing customer’s demand
- 提供完善的售後服務Provide most caring after sales service

Warehouse Hubs
Our warehouse located next to Kaohsiung Port, National Freeway No. 1 and Kaohsiung International Airport.
一旦貨物進港,即送到高雄物流中心以確保供貨穩定。主要提供恆溫產品存放,溫度控制在20 ±1℃,濕度 50%↓,且全程溫、濕度監控與紀錄,確實做好品質管理。
The cargo transferred to Kaohsiung warehouse once arrival for stable supply. Products stored in constant temperature at 20 ±1℃ and humidity below 50%. To make sure the quality, the temperature and humidity was strictly monitored and recorded.